Dad Is Learning - Faith, Family, Fun and Frugal Living When things get tough and you need to start relying on your support system….where do you turn? There are all sorts of destructive and counterproductive support systems and coping mechanism that folks turn to. Some turn to the bottle, others to drugs, some
Is it correct to say hope your and your family are doing well It's perfectly correct to say, 'Hope you and your family are doing well.' What you are saying is, 'Hope you are doing well', and including 'your family' in the ...
" I hope you and your family is/are well"? | Yahoo Answers 28 Mar 2014 ... Best Answer: You and they (your family) ARE well. Also: You are well, they are well. About family (which I suspect is the part that's confusing ...
grammar - 31 Jan 2007 ... Which sentence below is appropriate? 1) I hope you and your family are doing well. or 2) I hope you and your family is doing well.
Please correct - 31 Aug 2011 ... Hi All I will really appreciate if someone correct the below letter. I hope you and your family are in good health and doing well, I am very sorry I ...
Dear Amanda-Clare, I hope you and your family are doing well. I ... I hope you and your family are doing well. I wanted to thank you again for all of your tireless efforts to raise money for leukemia research. I also wanted to let you ...
"I hope you, your wife and family are well" - WordReference Forums Though I reckon I speak French well, as I was writing this expression in a French email "I hope you, your wife and family are well", I realised I ...
Good morning Robert, I hope you and your family are doing good. Good morning Robert, I hope you and your family are doing good. Well my wife and I are good but my family is experiencing some rapids on the river. We have 2 ...
Hi Pierre, Hope all is well with you and your family. We're fine...I sure ... 24 Apr 2008 ... Hope all is well with you and your family. We're fine. ... an interdisciplinary team, spending substantial time doing surveys in foothill streams ...
I hope you and your family are in good health and doing well. Here ... I hope you and your family are in good health and doing well. Here are a few things I'd like to share with you: Waikele, Village Park, Royal Kunia, Makakilo,.